E2E testing with LiveView 1.0, Cypress and Ecto sandboxes
How to set up E2E testing with LiveView 1.0, Cypress and Ecto sandboxes
TIL: I probably don't want to use swap
Using swap can degrade performance so badly that the server might as well be down. Better to let it crash with OOM.
Balancing production and production capacity
Balancing production and investing in production capability requires judgments calls, but it’s probably safer to err towards investing in production capability.
You've fundraised - Now stop working
After fundraising make sure to stop and formulate a strategy. Avoid costly mistakes by focusing your newfound resources where they yield the most results.
Unknown Unknowns: Why you should release early and often
Release early to figure out what you don’t know and avoid spending time on building stuff your customers don’t want or need.